Wednesday 26 October 2011

What would have been better for our nation as a whole? To never have imposed or encouraged a welfare state?

and allowed however many thousands to struggle through life without government aid, or to do what we have done and now have millions of people who live their whole lives on welfare and have no desire to change?What would have been better for our nation as a whole? To never have imposed or encouraged a welfare state?We should have done with the CONSTITUTION states and that is leave it to the states. There is nothing wrong with California being a socialist state like Europe. However, it is illegal for the federal government to be involved in any social programs (10th Amendment). New York and Alabama have the right to do things differently. Too bad we have an evil tyranical dictatorship in D.C. that steals that right.
What would have been better for our nation as a whole? To never have imposed or encouraged a welfare state?
I love the sweet stink of far-right mythology.
What would have been better for our nation as a whole? To never have imposed or encouraged a welfare state?
Providing a safety net that provides the basic needs of food, clothing %26amp; shelter is probably something that the government should ensure. But politicians would never leave it at that.

This is proof that democracy cannot last because people will sooner or later figure out that they can vote themselves money out of the state treasury. That is what the welfare programs are doing.
Second option is the lesser of two evils. I think we can revamp welfare to get rid of the useless undeserving (and we should).

The greatest recipient of welfare, however, is business. Corporate welfare. From subsidies to the bailout (even Obama is guilty). Corporate welfare.

What would have been better for our nation as a whole? To never have imposed or encouraged a welfare state?

and allowed however many thousands to struggle through life without government aid, or to do what we have done and now have millions of people who live their whole lives on welfare and have no desire to change?What would have been better for our nation as a whole? To never have imposed or encouraged a welfare state?The former, because many millions of people have become dependent who otherwise would not have.

People used to rely on neighbors, churches and charities for help. these people and institutions could refuse people who they thought were undeserving. Now, a giant bureaucracy just doles out taxpayer money to as many people as possible, to garner votes for those giving the Treasury away.

We are in much worse shape now. Even FDR said that welfare payments have a %26quot;narcotic%26quot; effect on those who receive them.
What would have been better for our nation as a whole? To never have imposed or encouraged a welfare state?
Maybe this is what Marx intuited when he said capitalism inevitably leads to class struggles.
What would have been better for our nation as a whole? To never have imposed or encouraged a welfare state?
living on welfare is not an easy life

all people see is someone getting something for nothing

it appears this way but the things these people give up for that little bit

of money is not worth it to the average person

some people will always take advantage of the system

but they are the real losers in any society

"The US is not a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation we are just citizens" is this change?

Has Obama let you down?%26quot;The US is not a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation we are just citizens%26quot; is this change?when all the christians can get together and elect a bumbling idiot like Bush to the highest office in the land, then it is a christian nation. like it or not.
%26quot;The US is not a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation we are just citizens%26quot; is this change?
It's not change because the U.S. has never been a Christian nation. I'm glad Obama said it.
%26quot;The US is not a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation we are just citizens%26quot; is this change?
wtf lol

the christians took over...the nation was intended as secular

what does this have to do with Obama?
No that is a statement of reality.
Certainly not since our constitution was adopted.
I didn't feel a boost with my tax return... where's the stimulation?
ahhhhhhhh I'm so glad I'm Canadian.

*rolls eyes*
Obama is right. were not a christian nation. sure christianity is the majority but that doesnt mean that christianity is the national religon seeing we have %26quot;FREEDOM OF RELIGION%26quot;
The US has always been a secular nation with a majority of Christians.

This is nothing new.
It's not a change unless you hadn't ever bothered to read the U.S. Constitution and the accompanying Bill of Rights (aka the first ten amendments). Did you flunk political science and history in school?
No it's not change, it's been true for around 200 or so years since this nation was founded.....
No. Obama hasn't let me down with that. He's acknowledging the simple reality of what this country is. The minute you say, %26quot;This is a Christian nation,%26quot; you make the rest of us second class citizens that you are just putting up with. Nevermind that many of us were born here, raised here, educated here, defended this country, and made significant contributions to our communities.

We are not a Christian nation. We are all Americans who happen to be Christians, atheists, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Pagans, Taoists, Hindus, etc.
Nope. Obama has the guts to say what the Constitution and the Treaty of Tripoli has said for 200+ years now.
I am very glad he got around to saying that, guess what? We're not all Christian or Muslim or Jewish. - COEXIST
The correct quote is:

%26quot;Whatever we once were, we're no longer a Christian nation. At least not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, and a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.%26quot;

- Barack Obama

No, our president has not let me down at all. I am proud that we elected an intelligent man for a change.
There is only one group that are gonna feel like losers and I am glad.
I didnt vote for Obama, but I agree with that statement
%26quot;As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;%26quot;

From the Treaty of Tripoli, unanimously approved by the Senate and signed by John Adams in 1797.
the united states was never centered around one religion....that's why the constitution gives us all the freedom to choose our own faith.

Obama hasn't changed a damn thing...he's just shuffled things around to give off the appearance of change.
Obama is going to take us places where even angels fear to tread . But the wise knew this BEFORE he became president .
Obama is my hero.
The %26quot;change%26quot; is that people in power are beginning to recognize that fact.
its a stolen and murdered indian nation? your christian or already dead .
Unfortunately, He is doing exactly what I believed he would do when

he was running for office. That is why I did more in this election to

have a candidate elected than I ever have. I did not want Mr. Obama,

and I cried the night he won.

I knew anyone who associated with as many criminals, and in fact

lived in the little block with them, and was a liberal as he was would

be trouble for our nation, as if we didn't have enough.

He has a Socialist leaning and I am afraid that is where he hopes to

take our nation. But people were so in awe of him, they couldn't

seem to see. Like they were mesmerized by him. People did want

change but %26quot;jumping out of the frying pan into the fire is change,

but I don't want it. If people could take their blinders off long enough

to see Mr. Obama as he really is, they would realize he is not for

what is good for our nation's people.
Well what is a christian? Many people call themselves this just because they live in the USA and believe there's a higher power. The devil believes in God and trembles.
It is change and it could not have come at a worse time. I don't think Obama said anything about not being a Muslim nation. There are many citizens who fear Obama is preparing to make us a Muslim nation.

Do you remember exactly when the economy began to go down the drain? If I am not mistaken, our economy was doing fine until anti-war groups began to make %26quot;America Hates God%26quot; posters.

America needs God and all men, women, and children who hate him needs to change their minds, and love and accept him and his son, Jesus Christ.
It is Judeo-Christian. Obama and McCain wore a kippa in Israel.
Supreme Court determined that the United States was a Christian nation in the 1892 case, Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 143 U.S. 226 (1892).


Justice Brewer then recounted the central role played by faith in the history of America:

the commission to Christopher Columbus (%26quot;Ferdinand and Isabella, by the grace of God, King and Queen of Castile ... it is hoped that by God's assistance some of the continents and islands in the ocean will be discovered ....%26quot;)

the first colonial grant to Sir Walter Raleigh in 1584 (from %26quot;Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce and Ireland, queen, defender of the faith%26quot; authorizing him to enact statutes for the government of the proposed colony provided that %26quot;they be not against the true Christian faith now professed in the Church of England%26quot;)

the colonial charters to the fundamental orders of Connecticut (%26quot;Forasmuch as it hath pleased the Allmighty God by the wise disposition of his diuyne prudence so to Order and dispose of things that we the Inhabitants and Residents of Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield are now cohabiting and dwelling in and vapor the River of Conectecotte and the Lands thereunto adioyneing; And well knowing where a people are gathered together the word of God requires that to maintain the peace and union of such a people there should be an orderly and decent Gouerment established according to God, to order and dispose of the affairs of the people at all seasons as occasion shall require; doe therefore associate and conioyne our soleus to be as one Publike State or Comonwelth; and doe, for our soleus and our Successors and such as shall be adjoined to vs at any time hereafter, enter into Combination and Confederation together, to maintain and pressure the liberty and purity of the gospel of our Lord Jesus which we now profess, as also the discipline of the Churches, which according to the truth of the said gospel is now practised amongst vs.%26quot;)

the Declaration of Independence (%26quot;We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.%26quot;)

the State Constitutions (Illinois, 1870: %26quot;We, the people of the State of Illinois, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing upon our endeavors to secure and transmit the same unimpaired to succeeding generations ....%26quot;)

the familiar requirement that all officers shall take an oath ending in %26quot;so help me God.%26quot;

Justice Brewer, writing for the Court, stated that:

%26quot;Even the Constitution of the United States, which is supposed to have little touch upon the private life of the individual, contains in the First Amendment a declaration common to the constitutions of all the States, as follows: 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' etc. And also provides in Article 1, section 7, (a provision common to many constitutions,) that the Executive shall have ten days (Sundays excepted) within which to determine whether he will approve or veto a bill.

The Court concluded:

%26quot;There is no dissonance in these declarations. There is a universal language pervading them all, having one meaning; they affirm and reaffirm that this is a religious nation. These are not individual sayings, declarations of private persons: they are organic utterances; they speak the voice of the entire people.%26quot;
The US is a Christian nation. 70% of Americans are Christian.

Has Obama let me down? No I expected a mediocre president and that is what we got. I expect it to get worse as we go.

Do you think the Endangered Species Act should be strengthened to protect the nation's overall biodiversity?

(For example, should it be applied to climate change as a form of endangerment?) Or should the Endangered Species Act be rewritten to benefit commercial interests such as logging, mining, oil and gas?Do you think the Endangered Species Act should be strengthened to protect the nation's overall biodiversity?No. I think it should be repealed. There are now too many whales. Japan is doing good by reducing their numbers a little. We need more of this. And there are way too many sea lions on the CA coast, they are wrecking the abalone population. We need a hunting season for them.
Do you think the Endangered Species Act should be strengthened to protect the nation's overall biodiversity?
It has it's good points, but can be carried to far, such as California outlawing lead bullets for hunting because Condors %26quot;might%26quot; eat the lead when scavenging a carcass. Never mind that MOST hunting is done for food animals and there is NO carcass left.

As to climate change. Since the %26quot;experts%26quot; are lucky to get the weather report correct 24 HOURS in advance LOCALLY, what makes you think they know enough to predict GLOBAL weather and/or effects YEARS in advance?

In some cases, you have competing groups trying to protect different animals in the same area, where the requirements for one are detrimental to the other. Which one is more important.

Then cost/benefit ratios. IF the costs exceed the benefits, should the money be spent, jobs lost, at a %26quot;net loss%26quot; to the people, and the economy?

Nothing is free and there are always costs!
Do you think the Endangered Species Act should be strengthened to protect the nation's overall biodiversity?
As it stands now, it can be enforced. Expand it the way you want to and the only ones who would benefit would be the lawyers. And they are already a pest species.
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  • It took some time after World War I for the U.S. to accept its role as a great power and influence on world?

    power and influence on world politics. Not only did the nation have to deal with the Great Depression, but social and technological changes were sweeping into every corner. Would the participation of the US have saved the League of Nations? What other changes were caused by the popularity of the automobile? Which of the causes of the Great Depression may recur today? What changes had to be made to end the Depression?It took some time after World War I for the U.S. to accept its role as a great power and influence on world?I think if the US had been part of the League of Nations, they still would just have diddle daddled exactly like everybody else. The League of Nations was a glorified debating club.

    The causes of the Great Depression that may recur today was easy credit. Everyone was buying shares in companies on credit, hoping to make a fortune. When some of those shares began to be sold, loans were called in, and everything disintegrated right there. Shares in stocks supposedly worth thousand turned into pennies, and so millions were lost. Today, easy credit has cvome back. Even if shares are bought with real money, the people who buy them are living on enormous amount of credit. Even teenagers ahve credit cards. People with next to no income are given credit cards for up to $10,000. Eventually, that has to bust.

    Should the nation anthem be changed to Mandarin or English?

    Let's face it, the chinese population in singapore outnumbers the malays and other races by at least 20-1.

    The government is practically shoving mandrain down everybody's throats.

    Why should the national anthem be sung in an INSIGNIFICANT language that is used in only one small corner of the world? It's not even a universal language of trade or commerce.

    Yet children as young as 7 are forced to sing it in schools - in a language they don't even understand. You don't believe me, you ask any chinese kid to translate the national anthem.

    Bet you nobody that isn't a malay can tell you what they're even singing. For all we know the anthem could be insulting our mothers.Should the nation anthem be changed to Mandarin or English?We should keep the Singapore National Anthem in original Malay language, to act as a REMINDER to the non-Malays that Singapore wasn't always a part of China... :-)

    Our Malay people are already so disenchanted with life here, and have grievances at how they have been relegated to almost 2nd-class citizens and lost many privileges in what's supposed to be their motherland...

    So come on lah... Let us have our National Anthem in Malay, the only thing in Singapore that the Malay people can tell others with pride. When you take it away, I shall say that the Singapore Malay people might as well not exist anymore, and let the Chinese do whatever you like... Malay may be an insignificant language to YOU, but it means something to the Malay people...

    As for the excuse that Chinese kids cannot understand, I have taught your wonderful Chinese kids before, and basically they don't respect the National Anthem at all, no matter what's the language... They can sing it in Mandarin, but since they know Mandarin, they can easily change it so that they purposely insult their own mothers... :-)

    So I hope I have made a passionate plea why we should keep the anthem in Malay. MAJULAH SINGAPURA !!

    A compromise: Let's keep the Malay version as the primary version... We can sing it in English, Mandarin, %26amp; Tamil sometimes in schools. But on National Day, the original Malay version must be sung.
    Should the nation anthem be changed to Mandarin or English?
    During National Day , PM speak 4 Luggage. and our main 4 Luggage is all accepted in Government sector . our National Song ' mujira Singapora %26quot; will never change.and all this will going end. Singaporean speak good English (no me ,ha ha ) because of business,China is one of the bigger ,we lean Chinese, during 70%26quot; many people lean Japanese. but for Nation, still main 4. one day, egg,if Philippines is the world strong countries , we will lean Takalo .
    Should the nation anthem be changed to Mandarin or English?
    Change to English! or just lalalala ,like Spain's national anthem.

    How many pple is actually proud of Pre-British Malay era fishing village Temasek?? It is the British and all the migrants that built this island, not those Malay rulers who happily gave away the island for ringgits.
    Keep it the way it is, or make it Singlish. Speak good Singlish campaign - that should be the latest one. I don't speak good Singlish and it might help me learn.
    Simple. The original writer is a malay. The kids will learn the translation in their music lesson as a test and there is translation in their student homework diary(if they have one).
    the only problem is they forget to teach you malay , which is use in four corners from the
    Yeah sure change the anthem. Why stop there, what about the pledge, there are very very low number of British born immigrants, so why bother keeping it in English. At 20-1 majority, let's change everything to Mandarin. I agree that no one other than the Malays understand the meaning of the anthem anyway. So, since the government is shoving Mandarin down our throats, change it to Mandarin.

    I should commend you on your foresight and your great disregard to other insignificant races in Singapore.

    I always thought that Singapore is a melting pot of all races and your pledge says, %26quot;Regardless of race, language or religion.%26quot;. So, probably the pledge is also outdated, afterall it was drafted in the 1960s, now in the 21st Century, shouldn't it reflect the popular feeling incline with the majority?
    You have raised a good case for a change based on your arguments. However, I have some points, which you and my fellow Singaporeans might want to consider:

    a. Yes, the Chinese are a majority in Singapore, and most of them speak Chinese, so why not change the anthem to Chinese. Yes, let's, but then, I heard that amongst the Chinese in Singapore, the Hokkiens are the largest dialect, let's make the National Anthem into the Hokkien Dialect.

    b. Yes, the Government is %26quot;practically shoving%26quot; Mandarin down everyone's throat...if the Government is doing it, IT MUST BE, let's outlaw all other languages and will be easier for all Singaporeans to talk to each other.

    c. Yes, the Government also %26quot;practically gave away citizenship to Chinese (Hong Kongers/Chinese nationals), because they saw that the other minority races were reproducing much more than the Chinese and the percentage of the Chinese was dipping. Why stop there, let's sterliise, every women of the minority race, once they reach %26quot;child bearing age%26quot;, that would solve this problem.

    c. Yes, why sing the anthem in an insignificant language? Why sing it in a language that Chinese children do not understand? Why stop there? Why should the same children, be made to share schools, with children of other races, respect the cultures and religion of others. Might as well, put the children of the insignificant races, into an insignificant school where they can all be insignificant and learn insignificant languages and lead insignificant lives.

    I hope, I have given you an idea of what will happen, if we decide that %26quot;something or someone is insignificant just because of their minority status%26quot;...especially something that is close to a person's heart as language naturally is.

    I seriously hope that your question, posted was in %26quot;tongue in cheek%26quot;. Singapore (even before it was known as Temasek or Temasik), has been a part of the %26quot;Malay Land%26quot;, this is our historical heritage..and we are rightfully proud of it.

    The fact that despite, living in a little island surrounded by millions of Malays (Indonesians - included), Singapore has proven that by working together and respecting each other, people of all races, culture, religion and LANGUAGE, can co-exist and prosper as one.

    The Anthem is sung in Malay, firstly, to acknowledge our heritage (physical), and the pride we feel as immigrants in a new land, who have succeded, and most importantly, so that the beautiful words contained in it...resonates amongst our neighbours (who understand malay), that Singapreans are united, they stand tall and are proud of Singapore.

    For your information, just in case, you are interested, many of the civil wars, and mindless killings, going around the world were started because of such, line of logic.....Majority is Right and Might!

    I fear the day, when more of my fellow Singaporeans, think like you do....and I will do my part to erase such bigotry and dangerous prejudical inklings.


    How can a common man bring in REFORMS for development of nation?


    1.To uplift weaker section of society

    2.Bringing in positive change in various grief stricken departments of government

    How can he actively participate in so called 'systems' %26amp; improve it ?How can a common man bring in REFORMS for development of nation?Socialise with society.Go in for social work, through involving who ever come forward. With this small platform, consolidate it as nucleus and enlarge it for such work which keep all in binding. It will give a good bargaining power while interacting and bargaining with Government Departments.

    For upliftment the needy in the society be categorised and whatsoever help required be suggested through involving expertise of that fields.

    Social works, like improving environment(through Plantations),regular improvement in road,drainage etc.

    It is all the mutual coordinations giving due regards to indivisual need an upliftment is always there.
    How can a common man bring in REFORMS for development of nation?
    start a rebellion buy lots of guns and buy a large warehouse as a storage for munittions (spelt it wrong)
    How can a common man bring in REFORMS for development of nation?
    by being active and talking with your fellows at places like church, school etc. that is the grassroots level. you word counts the most there. stay home and watch %26quot;the news%26quot; and you have little influence on anything. get active or just stick your head in the sand.
    Ok Short deal.......#1 Get a leader that is active in the streets and helping people as well as he can, in this develope a crew that will help in this belief and spread help and care.

    this leader will soon be recognized by his people and they will support him to a platform.......

    Always remember it is about the people that do and perform, not about the promises not recieved yet said.

    We are all here to help each other live life, grow our families, be productive so we can support them......Ken
    You CAN try guns, but it hasn't been very succesful since Simon Bolivar.

    Probably better to form a Union, or you could get these people on your side:-

    %26quot;GetUp%26quot; %26lt;;

    (I take you are Aussie?)
    The weaker in OUR society choose to be so. They get enough handouts .

    It is simple.....

    Have common sense %26amp; VOTE FOR TRUE DEDICATED/PETRIOTIC LEADERS, who have vision a feeling for country %26amp; people..........

    to be strong that nothing can disturb the peace of mind;

    to talk health , happiness and prosperity to every person that he meets;

    To make all your friends feel that there is something in them;

    To look at the sunny sideof every thing and make your optimism come t5rue;

    To think only of the besty , to work only for the bestand expect only the best;

    To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own;

    To forgetthe mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of future;

    To wear a cheerful countinence at all times and give every living creatureyou meet a smile;

    To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticise others;

    To be too large for worry, too noble for anger,too strong for fear,and too happy to, permit the presence of trouble.

    If you adhere to thewse principles you wll find that you are doing yeomen service to he development of the nation.
    A common man can participate in non-governmental organizations involved in poverty alleviation to help the weaker section of the society to improve their lives.

    On the other hand, participate in initiating change in government by being involved in activities for the improvement of government systems through media or mass actions.
    the peace corps.